Laying Down My Old "Formulated Female" Flames
Laying Down My Old “Formulated Female” Flames
The “formulated female” flames had scorched my life long enough. So, I chose to take a journey of descent. And it went down like this ………..
I retracted from the chaos, stopped the busy-ness, took a deep breath, and took a deep dive. I descended into the darkness of solitude where things die and new birth blooms. In this descent, one thing was clear, it was time for me to “lay down my old flames”. The old flames which had kept me just warm enough to be comfortable and stuck procrastinating though life for almost 30 years. I had become a “formulated female” being controlled by each of these flames and awareness was the first real key. Inside the awareness, I was shocked at how familiar each flame felt and I noticed that I wore them as if they were my own skin, and yet there was a deep inner knowing, that it was time to lay my old flames down. The flames consisted of self- doubt, shame, lack, and proving …………...
· Doubting my good enoughness, my purpose, and my power.
· Shaming my desires, my feelings, my past, and my neediness
· Lacking in confidence, in charging my worth, and in trusting myself
· Proving my significance, my belonging, and my value
Yes, every one of these flames burned dimly individually, but together they were blazing a trail of an “unlived life”.
And in my seeing, I could no longer “un-see”. Therefore, I knew it was time for each of these thwarting flames to be seen, honored, released, and extinguished, so a new fire could be ignited and I could birth the real me and live FULLY ALIVE.
So, I descended into the darkness and in the stillness, I surrendered my old flames. It was scary and uncomfortable and yet daring and brave. In the darkness, I began to see. See the real me. And in the quietness, I began to hear. Hear the truth of my being. It was in this surrendered soil where new seeds of life began cracking open pressing up against the hardness of avoidance and pressing through the cracks of new life. In this pressing, the seeds lost their flames of preservation allowing room for a new full-on fire to rise.
It was a breaking of new ground. IT WAS A NEW BIRTH!
Up from the dark new life was born and within this new life, there was: new desire, new confidence, new purpose, new trust, new belonging, new passion, and new power. It was a new FREEDOM and a NEW FIRE which came from within! And in this new fire there was no more holding back, only living –--- living wildly free, on purpose with passion, full of fire, and fully alive.
So, let me ask you …………
Are you holding yourself back with old flames of self-doubt, shame, lack, and proving?
How long have you been living in an old program procrastinating through life?
Are you a “formulated female”?
If this sounds like you, I invite you to come join me for the Next - 4 - Tuesdays at 10:00 AM CST on my FACEBOOK PAGE where I will be diving into each one of these four “flames” separately:
THE GOAL IS to bring awareness to any old programs you may have and then to help you get unstuck and unblocked SO YOU CAN LIVE YOUR PURPOSE, FULL OF FIRE, AND FULLY ALIVE.
P.S. - Join me LIVE every Tuesday at 10:00 am CST on my FACEBOOK PAGE - “Ashley White Wellness” - where I give you encouragement and tools to help you voice and honor your anger and grief.