Loving Your Body Leads to Loving Your Man
I have eaten more junk in the last 5 weeks than normal - (anyone else?).
My emotions have also been a little louder than normal - (anyone else?).
My irritation level is higher than normal - (anyone else?)
UUUMMMM, What is normal anymore?
This “social distancing” has ushered in many things and with each, there have been opportunities to eat, hide, get irritated, shut down, and yet ALSO opportunities to reflect, uncover, and lean in. So I chose this week to lean in and go within. I chose to see what was really going on inside my heart, mind, and body. And here is what I uncovered:
THE TRUTH: I dieted most of my life longing to be prettier, skinnier, and delighted in. I viewed myself as fat and unlovely no matter what I weighed or how I looked. I have been disgusted and dissatisfied with my body. I have focused on what I despised and never what was beautiful or functioned flawlessly.
I never valued the brilliance of sight, life, and beauty that came through my hazel eyes; I only saw ugliness and deficiency when I looked in the mirror. I never thought about my heart beating perfectly; I only felt it ache. I never appreciated the way my fingers pecked the buttons on the keyboard or held a wooden spoon; I only noticed the food they shoved into my mouth to numb a craving. I never cherished the way I used my arms to embrace my children or my husband; I only noticed the excess fat hanging off when I waved. I was never grateful for my legs carrying me from one place to the next; I only hated the dimples that appeared as I aged. My focus was strictly on appearance and never the gift of function. I listened to what the world and others said was beautiful, attractive, and sexy instead of what my Creator deemed wonderful and beautiful, and made in His image.
As a woman, I only nourish the things I love. Therefore, not loving myself leads to a lack of caring for myself. Feeling unattractive and unlovely about myself causes a strain on sexual intimacy with my husband. Once I began seeing myself through the eyes of my Creator and not through the mirror of the world, I began to embrace the imperfections and appreciate my body and how it gives, performs, and offers.
The more I loved my body the more intimate I became with my man. I quit turning the lights off and hiding under the covers. Love freed me to offer myself more and embrace him more. I discovered true self-worth is based on God’s love, not a number calculated by a scale nor my mirror image. This mind shift takes time. LOVING, ACCEPTING, HONORING, AND NOURISHING MY BODY IS A PROCESS. It is a journey I am taking one step at a time as I embrace the truth. Truth is: I am His creation. I am beautiful. I am loved. I am a life-giver. I am a Temple of the Living God. Therefore, I am free to love my body.
And now is the perfect time to own and love the gift I have been given - a feminine body.
Loving my body is loving God. I am His “earth suit”. So when I love my “earth suit,” I am loving Him, when I nourish my body, I am nourishing His creation. WE MUST, as women, begin to recognize, own, and embrace this truth.
Do you love your body?
How well are you loving your man?
How are you nourishing your body?
P.S. In the midst of this quarantine, I challenge you to take one action step this week:
Take two minutes each day. For the first minute write down the things your body does that you appreciate. For the second minute look in the mirror (yes, look in the mirror) and tell yourself:
P.S. - Join me LIVE on my Facebook Page- every Tuesday at 10:30 am - where I will be guiding you through healing meditations and tapping.
P.P.S. - Join me for my LIVE training on May 21 at 5pm CST all about Women, Weight, and Worth + the REAL reasons you don’t love your body and what you need to shift right now so you can stop self-sabotaging, start loving all of you, and receive all the things you say you want. Register here!