My Journey to Wholeness

My Journey to Wholeness

“Mrs. Piggy” was the name hurled at me in middle school and attached itself to my identity. Regardless of what I did to break free, some un-thoughtful bully would remind me and laugh. During the next several years the venomous words got worse and pierced my heart - daily.

When I entered high school I was 5’7” and weighed 105 pounds, yet in the mirror, I saw an ugly fat 15 year old who no one delighted in. I covered my pain with clothes. If I could not be beautiful and skinny with my body, then I would wear beautiful clothes. Soon kids noticed and gave their approval which deemed my “clothes addiction” worthy. Shopping became my way to self-medicate. The beautiful clothes brought temporary joy while my wounds festered and my heart longed for more.

The next 25 years brought waves of more rejection and subtle whispers: “Mrs. Piggy”...”You are ugly”...”You are fat”....”No one likes you”. No matter what I weighed, I saw “Mrs. Piggy”. Therefore, I shopped. I NUMBED. I sought relief. 

Then one day pain eclipsed my heart and I was at a crossroad. I had a choice, and in that moment I realized, I could stay stuck in the lies and in the feeling of “not enoughness” or I could embrace the pain and dig for the gold underneath it. 


And as I began digging, my journey to wholeness and freedom began. What I discovered was profound!  I discovered the depth and complexity of my wounds. I gave My Creator full access to my “locked down” heart. It has been a beautiful tedious process – like peeling an onion one layer at a time. I have been challenged to offer forgiveness and grace to many and yet mostly myself, to allow the Spirit of God to reprogram my thinking and embrace the truth of my being, and to choose restoration instead of quick relief. One layer at a time “My Healer” ushers in wholeness, and I discover newfound freedom. My heart is opening and I am awakening. 

I am a woman unlearning and relearning.

I am a woman shedding and shining.

I am a woman returning to her “original shimmering self”. 

I am a woman rising in her power, bravery, beauty, and brilliance.

The eyes of my soul now see through new lenses. No matter how much I weigh or how I look, I am not “Miss Piggy”. I AM HIS! I AM DELIGHTED IN! I AM BEAUTIFUL!


What are your wounds? What have you been nicknamed? Have words pierced your heart? Has rejection locked your heart down? Have you ever felt not skinny enough, not pretty enough, not qualified enough, or just --- NOT ENOUGH?

I have been there. And restoration is real. Wholeness is real. That is why I am passionate about guiding women on a journey to awakening, healing, rising, and restoring. 

Two powerful tools I have discovered on my healing journey are: meditation and tapping. Grab Your FREE MEDITATION AND TAPPING BUNDLE below and get started on your healing journey today.


Prayer: LORD GOD the Great Healer, I invite Your Holy Spirit into my life today. I give You full access to my heart. I desire to go deeper. Show me my wounds, and heal me from the inside out. I know whole healing is a journey, but I want to start today. COME JESUS! In the powerful name of JESUS I pray – AMEN

P.S. - Join me for my LIVE training all about Women, Weight, and Worth + the REAL reasons you don’t love your body and what you need to shift right now so you can stop self-sabotaging, start loving all of you, and receive all the things you say you want. Register here!
