Are You Stuck In a Rut Unable to Recognize Your Own Strength?

Are You Stuck In a Rut Unable to Recognize Your Own Strength?

Are you stuck in a rut unable to recognize your own strength, daring ability, greatness, creativity, and power?

Have you lost your identity through years of suppressing your feelings and emotions because you were taught they were bad/wrong/weak?

Have you been told repeatedly: “Girl, put a smile on your face.”; “Be a good girl.”; “Suck it up.”; “Big girls don’t cry.”; “You should be grateful!”


And now here you are amid a world where chaos and fear is bleeding through the streets and shouting through the media. Fear and uncertainty seem to be the main heartbeat of our world causing your heartbeat to stay elevated and on guard. Most days your head is spinning, your anxiousness is elevated and you have no clue what to do with all these TRIGGERS of feelings and emotions.

So you hide/numb/avoid.

I GET IT FRIEND! I have lived there too. But, I COULD NO LONGER LIVE A LIFE OF HIDING, NUMBING, AND AVOIDING.  So, I went on a journey and discovered a way to allow my feelings and pain to point me to authentic healing, awakening, and breakthrough.


Within these discoveries, I had many - many “AH-HA moments” and one thing I realized was the power of my “trigger moments.


So, what is a “trigger”? A trigger is an event or situation that causes you to do something or feel something.

For example, if you smell a certain smell that reminds you of childhood and you begin crying out of the blue or if you get behind a slow driver and you begin to get angry.


What is “Triggered”? Triggered is “your response” to the event or situation.

For example, if you are triggered you may feel heat in your hands, fast heart rate, flushed face, unexpected tears, sinking feeling in your gut, unexpected emotions, untamed feelings and/or words, emotions that do not equal the event, breathing pattern changes, ect…”


So, what do you do when you are “triggered”?

Glad you asked. Here are 3 steps I use that have impacted my well being tremendously!


1 - BREATHE – Put one hand on your stomach and one hand on your heart, then with your mouth closed, take a deep breath in for 4 counts without moving your chest, only expanding your belly with air – (like blowing up a balloon); hold for 4 counts; then exhale for 4 counts slowly through the nose squeezing all the air out of your belly - (like deflating a balloon). Repeat 4X. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system telling your body it’s safe.

2 - AWARENESS Bring awareness to your feelings.

What is the story I am telling myself about this “situation/event”? (write it down)

What are the feelings coming up around this event? (write it down)

What am I believing about myself in this “situation/event”?

What am I feeling about myself? (write it down)

What am I believing about the other person involved? What am I feeling about the other person? (write it down)

3- TAP – Watch My Tapping Video Here!

Triggers can be treasures and when you add Tapping in it is a powerful tool for transformation.



You have a strength that the world needs; but you cannot  live in your strength unless you feel and embrace your emotions. They have a gift for you. You don’t have to live a life of hiding, numbing, and avoiding! YOU DON’T HAVE TO STAY STUCK. You must feel to heal. YOU CAN LIVE FREE.

P.S. - Join me LIVE every Tuesday 10:30am CST on my FACEBOOK PAGE - “Ashley White Wellness” - where I give you encouragement and tools to help you on your journey of awakening, accepting, rising, and returning to the REAL YOU.
