Confident and at Rest. What?

Confident and at Rest. What?

“I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. And we’ve been shown the mystery!“ Colossians 2:2-3

This truth stuns me. I have spent years of my life weaving a tapestry of “proving, performing, perfecting, and people pleasing”. My self confidence was on a lifetime sabbatical, rest was taking a nap, and the real me was buried underneath a life of patriarchal rules.

I believed I had to “DO” in order to “BE”!

I believed “it was up to me” to make things happen. For example, I believed if I had “the guy”, “the job”, “the house” -  then I was loved and valued. Yet incompleteness haunted my soul.  Nothing quite measured up. THEN, something drastic happened. I experienced the wild untamed love of my Creator. It was not just more knowledge; It was not just checking off my church box once a week; NO. This was an encounter and an awakening to who I truly was as a woman; it was an unveiling of the wisdom, power, and confidence I had been born with - yet it was buried deep within. 

This encounter led to some of the richest treasures and I began seeing clearly my restless “do it yourself”, &  “prove-prove-prove” heart. From here I consciously began choosing to allow  this “Source of Love and Light” into the truth of my being. This LOVE was already reaching for me and this time I LET IT IN.  It was not forced nor manipulated; it was just received! 

To look back now and see the stunning breathtaking “tapestry of love” woven through my life is PROFOUND and POWERFUL! To be truly loved without arranging it- WOW! To be confident and clearly see my confidence lies within the weaving of this oneness with my Creator - WOW! To experience real “rest”; not “take a nap” rest, but a restful heart in the middle of my chaos- WOW! And, for the first time, to feel complete, authentic, and confident- WOW WOW! 

It is truly a mystery. And it is wildly beautiful. The Great “I AM” unveiled my true beauty and confidence- from the inside - out and this Love sets me in a relationship with profound belonging. The Great “I AM” awakens, heals, and frees my heart to live Fully Alive. 

When we are woven into something it becomes the very fabric of our being. (READ THAT AGAIN)!!! 

When we are woven into something it becomes the very fabric of our being. WOWZER!

This is not just for me. This is for you too. Because every luminous thread becomes a part of a larger fabric. 

Darling Friend, you do not have to “do” to “be”, NOR do you have to prove your worth.  You are created to live with confidence and at rest, AND it is already threaded through the story of your life; Most of us just need to uncover, embrace, and honor it! 

You are confident and you are LOVED! 

If you are ready to experience deeper healing, grab one of FREE tools to up-level your experience HERE!

P.S. - Join me LIVE every Tuesday 10:30am CST on my FACEBOOK PAGE - “Ashley White Wellness” - where I give you encouragement and tools to help you on your journey of awakening, accepting, rising, and returning to the REAL YOU.
